留住个人的历史记忆 ——谈刘骐鸣油画作品 作者:王林

        作者:核实中..2010-07-08 16:48:01 来源:网络











        Retain the Personal Historical Memory

        -- On Liu Qiming’s paintings

        Wang Lin

        In a community only collectivism canonized,the people-oriented thinking is even vulnerable to be polluted,and when "people" becomes "citizen", individuals are often excluded.To the Chinese feudalism cultural tradition, monarch is the contrary of citizen. The so-called " People are on the top of priority, with monarch following, then the state", the importance of citizen lies in that it is the basis of reign for the monarch. There is a premise for us to judge whether our current society enters the real modernization or not,and that is the extent of realization on priority for individual freedom in social structure and social life.Constitution regulates democratic rights for each citizen, which in life can’t be realized at all. The franchise existing in name only has profound impact on the spirit of the Chinese people. An obviouse example is mainland artists’ collective amnesia to major events in politics and history.Many artists use or even abuse the cultural resources of the Mao times,however,people seldom restate or reflect on disasters in such an era. Historical themes stops ever since Scar Art,and till now official ideology still dominates that area,an area indulged with the so-called realistic creating approach and narrative hegemony,political inclination replacing the historical authenticity.

        That is why,when I saw Liu Qiming’s artworks focusing on the historical memory,I am deeply moved.

        Liu Qiming involves history with his personal memory. His artworks, some are with title marked by the year,and some record history such as”Revolutionary Model" "Counter-Strike"and "Olympic Imagination",but,he doesn’t dipict the political and historical events directly.He narrates his certain feeling to the passing historical memeory with a psychological and symbolized way.For example, in "My 1989" series,some are slim tiny chains of people suspended in the sky,and some are figures leaving their postures of movement in cloud or water.These images collectively forgotten by the Chinese people in society,so small and illusory.This is not only his grief to the abanded historical experiences, but also lament to the reality in the consumption times.Because of the grief and lament,he wants to retain his historical memory.

        This is poetic history and historical poetry.

        Liu Qiming’s paintings are open and lonely,quiet and distant.He always use dark colors,grey blue,grey green,or grey light red,to form hazy background,and even cloud mixed with water is the image itself. In it,there are cloud and water waves, splendor of the sun,and among them is the typical political symbol Tian’anmen. This classical Chinese architecture appeares in between cloud and water,like images in wonderland,adding untangible poetic colors for him to create surrealistic atmosphere.Meanwhile,with its political symbol,he implies historical pertinency of personal narration.

        He depicts people from far distance,small space connecting with the passing away of time.Whether they are walking,cruising,or in movement postures,suspended in branches or ropes,he intentionally paints them as silhouettes,thin,tiny,floating,rootless,unreliable,without beginning and ending,helplessness and fatalism.These are people being abandoned,forgotten by the official rights,right awareness,and ideology.In contemporary China with market economy,consumption era,collective society,intellectuals group collapse,eager for quick success and instant benefit,lack of historical awareness,all these are mutually related. Living in such a society, Liu Qiming understands this deeply.In the painting he expresses deep solitude and loneliness,and this sentiment is on the spot and true.Only in this way,art can reveal the truth of spiritual reality with its sensitive,subtle psychological reaction.

        Art creating doesn’t need in an opposed and incompatible way to criticize social reality,spiritual and cultural realities.Artistic creating is as personal experience to life,and its value on criticism lies in challenging the established collective discourse with individual artistic language.Liu Qiming’s artworks focusing on the response and psychological recall to history events,which in itself is a denial to authoritarian rights and collective awareness in kiling historical memory.In his paintings Liu Qiming stubbornly continues to use red point and line, reminding us of the need for using colors in grey tone,its red roof,red rope,red scarf,red underwear and the like.All these are political symbols or political-symbols-alike able to make sense,but he changes them,abstracting them from real life and constructing surreal experience,with segments and odds returning a personal,spiritual and lower history.Liu Qiming touching history in a sorrowful poetic way aims to prove history can not be forgotten.In fact,this statement in itself contains respect to history, even heavy history with great damage.Perhaps,this point is the reason why Liu Qiming’s artworks is full of sadness and poetic sense.

        Liu Qiming’s paintings remind me of a German contemporary artist Kieffer,who wrote a grand Elegy for the German nation since World War II with introspection and repentance.I always think, China art circle begins to have such paintings as Liu Qiming’s, with low singing,related to historical experiences.When will artist like Kieffer creating a strong moral ictus for history sufferings appear?

        June 15,2008

        in the Peach Blossom Hill Side of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts


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