
        作者:核实中..2010-01-19 14:47:34 来源:网络











        菊花的花朵和画叶的画法课程前面发帖了,接下来我们把它组合成一幅完整的菊花图。先画花朵,后画叶,画时注意画的造型和构图,菊花画好后也可配景,画上一块石头。一气呵成把菊花画出,使画面更丰富自然。 如图 画法的过程:
          Welcome to learn Traditional Chinese Painting
          lesson 17. The method of drawing combined chrysanthemum
         The method of drawing petals and leaves of chrysanthemum had been taught before, next, we fit them together to be an entire picture of chrysanthemum. First, outline the petals and then the leaves, pay attention for its shape and composition. After finishing the chrysanthemum, we can outline  a stone as a foil to the picture. Drawing it smoothly in order to make the picture more richness and nature.
        See pictures enclosed here:


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